About us

About Us

Our Story

We are a team of Greek travelers and wanderers, sharing our own visions of the world.

Billy Arsenis

Hello, there! My name is Billy Arsenis and I am a self-taught landscape and travel photographer based in Greece.

I was born and raised in a small city close to Greece's tallest mountain, Mount Olympus. It was here, growing up at the foot of this incredible mountain, that my love and enthusiasm for nature grew roots and became an essential part of who I am. Regardless of where life took me, I always made my way back to these places, because getting lost in nature was what filled me up and brought me peace within.
My journey to photography began when I was 10 years old, when I received a camera as a gift. It was then that I realized I had a passion for capturing what I saw, in the way that I saw it. I am inspired by nature and being outdoors, and never tire from exploring the unknown. Capturing nature’s formations through my perspective is what I seek and I am humbled to be able to share a little bit of me with you.

Chris Nanos

Born and raised in a small village by the sea in Greece close to Thessaloniki.

I grew up in this beautiful region exploring and spending most of my free time in the nature. I got serious about landscape photography when I was 16 and I got as a gift my first DSLR. This camera was a good reason to continue exploring my place and that made me love being outside. As the years were passing, life started pushing me into the rush, university, master’s degree, thesis research, work and more made me appreciate every little moment that I had to admire the colours of the dawn. Since then, I always chase the opportunity to admire nature’s beauty and I owe this to my camera that created the purpose to go outdoors. Photography opened my world and made me want to explore every remote corner of the planet creating photographs with nature as my inspiration.


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